The Summit Lighthouse Today

Mark passed on in 1973 and Elizabeth carried on their work until her retirement in 1999. Elizabeth passed away after a long illness in October 2009. The Summit Lighthouse carries on the mission of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, conducting seminars and workshops throughout the United States and around the world on the teachings of the ascended masters on topics such as karma and reincarnation, prophecy, soul mates and twin flames, mysticism and angels. Today, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophets’ extensive unpublished lectures, dictations and writings continue to be released by the Summit University Press in books, CDs and DVD movies and translated into many languages from their international headquarters in Corwin Springs, Montana. The Summit Lighthouse continues to hold quarterly conferences at its international headquarters at Corwin Springs, Montana and weekend spiritual retreats across the globe. Summit University offers a variety of avenues for spiritual learning. Summit University online presents extension courses at different academic levels, ranging from exploring a topic in two or three months to in-depth semester-long studies. For the more interpersonal learner, SU offers a spectrum of spiritual retreats and seminars, held at the Corwin Springs, Montana campus and at different locations around the world.


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